Andrew Barnett, known affectionately as Barney to Fox Sports audiences, is a prominent figure on Sunday Night with Matty Johns and The Back Page, where he brings his comedic flair to the forefront.
Teaming up with James “The Professor” Rochford, Andrew co-hosted The Night Watchmen on Fox Cricket, The Professor’s Late Hit on Fox League, and Narrow World of Sports on both Fox League and Fox Footy. His writing and performances on The Professor’s Farewell Tour and The Professor’s Second Year Syndrome have further solidified his reputation as a versatile entertainer.
Andrew embarked on his stand-up comedy journey in 2010, achieving NSW Finalist status in Raw Comedy. Since then, he has delighted audiences with sold-out shows at comedy clubs and festivals across Australia and New Zealand. Andrew’s relaxed demeanour masks a razor-sharp wit, making him a favourite wherever he performs.
Known for his affable style, Andrew Barnett’s comedy is marked by insightful observations and witty anecdotes, ensuring he connects effortlessly with audiences wherever he takes the stage.