Marty Wilson has dedicated his professional life to mastering resilience, driven by his experience as a full-time stand-up comic in the UK for eight years. Performing as an Aussie comic to British audiences taught him invaluable lessons in bouncing back from adversity. Marty is also a serial entrepreneur, having transitioned successfully from being a pharmacist to an award-winning advertising copywriter, then to a stand-up comic, and finally to a bestselling author and sought-after speaker.
Since his first stage appearance in 1997, Marty has spoken to over 500,000 people. In his debut year, he won Australian Comic of the Year, appeared on The Footy Show, and was invited to the UK to pursue stand-up comedy full-time. Returning to Australia in 2008, Marty now focuses on helping individuals and businesses harness humour to drive behaviour change, particularly in health and innovation.
Marty’s programs are built on insights from over 1,000 interviews conducted for his bestselling "What I Wish I Knew" book series. He has conversed with a diverse range of inspirational figures, including footy coach Wayne Bennett, a Buddhist nun working with death row inmates, comic Anh Do, a mother of eleven, a 9/11 survivor, and chef Maggie Beer. This rich tapestry of stories makes his presentations highly relatable and engaging for a wide array of audiences.