“I’ve always been a daydreamer,” Michael Spiby says, “and that’s how I write songs. Things happen when I daydream – magic things.”
Many magical things have happened during Michael Spiby’s musical life. And after fronting one of our most-loved bands, The Badloves, Michael is now focusing full-time on his solo career.
The very first song that Michael wrote, Streets Of My Town, later appeared on his first solo album, 2000’s ARIA-nominated Ho’s Kitchen. “I had lots of songs half-finished, but that was the first time I felt that’s a song, it’s about something.”
Michael continues to search for meaning in his music, relishing the joy of creation.
“I’ve got a golden rule now,” he reveals. “In the early days, I aspired to impress. But now I don’t let the editor into the room. It allows me to create what I want.
“It’s taken me a long time to get to this stage.”
“For me, it’s all about getting into that headspace – daydreaming, creating,” Michael says, “knowing that something will eventually be worthwhile in the real world.”
It’s all about the magic things.