Lucky is an accomplished and experienced African dancer in Ghana and Australia and has more than 15 years of training in Traditional African dance, Afro Contemporary and Salsa. Lucky has performed with countless African dance and music groups from Ghana and other African countries and is an experienced choreographer having created a number of contemporary African dance routines for Ghanaian dance ensembles including the Salaka Ensemble, Susuma and Riclils Entertainment.
Lucky’s knowledge of dance includes dance routines from Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Senegal, South Africa and other parts of Africa.
Lucky teaches and performs around Sydney and Australia and has taught people of all ages and abilities to dance with feeling and connect to the beauty and spirit of African dance. Lucky’s ambition is to perform, teach and choreograph African traditional and contemporary African dance in Australia and to bring people together to create understanding across all cultures by sharing the beauty and natural power of African music and dance.
Lucky founded Lucky African Dance in May 2011 and has been teaching, performing and choreographing.