Tom Potter's story begins in rural Australia, where he was born into a family of farmers and entrepreneurs spanning four generations. Forgoing traditional routes, he left school early to start a bakery apprenticeship, sparking his passion for the culinary arts. His journey took him across Australia, balancing football with baking while developing exceptional skills in food chemistry and technical expertise.
Tom's entrepreneurial breakthrough came when he founded Eagle Boys, Australia's first regional pizza chain. Under his leadership, it grew to become the largest privately-owned pizza company in Australia and New Zealand, earning him the title of Australian Young Businessperson of the Year. His quest for knowledge took him to Harvard Business School, where he graduated as class valedictorian.
Tom's influence extends across various industries, leaving a significant impact on numerous boards, companies, and franchises. His achievements are documented in his best-selling book, "The Eagle Boys Story," ensuring his legacy endures even after Eagle Boys changed ownership.
Currently, Tom leads ventures like Pizza Guardians and Galactic Donuts, continuing to innovate in the food industry. As a speaker, he captivates global audiences with a mix of humour and insightful business wisdom.
Tom's life is defined by his love for golf, family, AFL football, and the unending excitement of entrepreneurship, making his journey an ongoing source of inspiration.