Paul Higgins is an experienced keynote speaker for over 15 years with significant entrepreneurial, board and political experience.
Paul established his consulting company Emergent Futures Pty Ltd to combine his long experience in business with his training as a futurist to assist organisations and individuals in the creation of strategy. Paul believes that the application of foresight tools to the strategy process can give organisations a critical edge in a fast moving modern world.
Paul Higgins is a graduate of the Leadership Victoria Program and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Paul is a partner at Social Ventures Partners International (Melbourne Chapter). He is also an associate at Melbourne University Business School and a special advisor to Save the Children on foresight and strategy. Paul writes and presents regularly on future disruptions to business models and consults to a range of organisations on how to think about the future.
Paul’s business experience has taught him that critical business decisions have as much impact on business success as long hours of focused execution. However, he recognises that most people have little time to look around and think about what might be happening. Therefore, the approaches that Emergent Futures uses align themselves to the reality of a fast moving, time critical modern world from quick scanning processes to longer strategic analysis.
Paul Higgins' presentations match this approach and challenge audiences to look at their own blind spots and assumptions and look at the future differently. As well as the presentation topics listed here, Paul primarily works to co-design presentations with clients to create tailored presentations based on business model analysis and industry information.